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Business Coaching for New Therapists

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About Cori


How I went from broke to bossy

When I decided I wanted to be a marriage therapist, I assumed I would be able to make money doing it.


I mean, you needed a Master's degree to be one - and it seemed like a pretty important job.


When I got into my Master's program, no one talked about money. 


My professors didn't bring it up. 


My classmates didn't ask about it. 


So I kept my mouth shut about money.


And then I got my first job offer. 


$20 per session.


I would have to see more than 50 clients a week to make what I was making as a bartender.


I went home that night and told my husband, "I'll be slinging vodka clubs forever."


I was half joking, and half scared shit-less that it was true.


After days of kicking myself for not asking questions about money sooner, I got more serious about making my private practice dreams come true.


I listened to every podcast, joined every facebook group, and signed up for every free resource I could.


After a year of working two jobs and 55+ hours a week, I left my first therapy job to open my own private practice.  As a pre-licensed counselor.


I opened my practice in December of 2018. 


In the short time since then:


  • I've upgraded my office space 3 times 

  • I've hired employees

  • I've brought on interns

  • I started a second business

  • I make enough money to not only pay my bills, but also: to travel, to put money in the stock market, and use my money to support other small businesses.

  • I make enough money to volunteer my time doing free therapy workshops for non-profits that I partner with.


Now, in addition to running my practice & working with couples, I help grad students on their journey to private practice so they can make the smartest decisions about their career.


I help them create a career path where they can afford to live healthy, fulfilling, fabulous lives.


My Mission

I help graduate students and pre-licensed counselors learn realistic and ethical ways to plan and grow sustainable private practices that support their financial and lifestyle goals.  I help counselors brainstorm ways to do pro-bono work that doesn't leave them broke and burned out.  And I help them create strategies to achieve financial wellness.


Through coaching programs, workshops, and online courses I get this information to the counselors who are ready to take action and plant seeds for their future.


Why work with me?  Because I know what it's like to start a private practice as a pre-licensed counselor.  I did it.

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